Friday, 4 January 2013

Awal Perkenalan ^_^


Hi ^_^

Dalam tengah-tengah busy buat cek nie tapi gatai pulak jari jemari nak buat entry baru,...heee

Terkenang tiba2 saat awal perkenalan Ms ahjumma dengan Mr ahjussi.

First sms Ms ahjumma dapat pada 21 Mac 2012, tak silap Ms ahjumma hari tue hari Isnin. Ayat, perghhh, baik la masa tue,...heee. Mula-mula Ms ahjumma balas pun lambat, layan macam tak nak layan, lagipun masa tue jiwa tengah kacau,...huhu.

Actually kan, Ms ahjussi dah mula mesej dengan Ms ahjumma bulan Nov 2011 dekat fb, dan tulis kat wall fb, masa tue lagi la tak layan, lansung tak kenal kan, ntah sapa-sapa ntah,...

Takdir, Ms ahjumma terbuka hati untuk mengenali Mr ahjussi lebih dekat. Masa awal-awal tue memang tengah hangat la kan perasaan, dan nie lah first perasaan betul2 Ms ahjumma rasa bila kita disukai,...heee.

Teringat pulak, Ms ahjussi pernah cakap dulu masa Ms ahjumma tak layan, gambar2 Ms ahjumma, Mr ahjussi simpan dalam laptop, 5 keping, siap ingat gambar yang mana (sshhh: bahayakan gambar kita orang simpan), Mr ahjussi cakap lagi selalu doa mintak Allah buka kan hati Ms ahjumma untuk suka Ms ahjussi (sshhh: yeke,...haaa)

Tiap-tiap malam Mr ahjussi akan call Ms ahjumma, sampai Ms ahjumma jadi menunggu, kalau Mr ahjussi lambat call,...jadual tido Ms ahjumma pun dah berubah,...heee. Siang hari pun kami akan sembang kat phone. Berjam - jam setiap hari. Termasuk la sms, beratus - ratus sms, sampai dah tak cukup space handphone Ms ahjumma ^_^

Awal - awal keluar bawa teman, tapi third time keluar dah berdua dah,...heee (sshhh: tak bagus kan).

First time jumpa pada 11 April 2012, tak silap hari tue hari Selasa, bawa my sista Atina teman jumpa kat KLCC lepas waktu kerja. Mula-mula janji jumpa dekat depan kedai Roti Boy, tapi disebabkan sudah lambat kami bergerak maka kami berjalan dan terserempak lah depan kedai Body Shop. Ms ahjumma pakai baju kurung moden warna pink, Ms ahjussi pakai t-shirt warna hitam dengan jeans.

Agak segan - segan, malu gitu,...heee. Kami pergi solat dulu, pastu decide nak dinner, mula-mula Mr ahjussi bawa kat dalam Cold Storage sebab Ms ahjumma kata nak makan ringan - ringan je tapi my sista nak makan nasi so tukar tempat pergi makan dekat foodcourt yang paling atas tue. Ms ahjumma dan adik order nasi ayam, air soya dan ice lemon tea. Mr ahjussi tak bangun pun, suruh Ms ahjumma yang order kan, mee (lupa nama) dengan air soya, ada la Mr ahjussi hulur RM10 bagi Ms ahjumma untuk belanja tapi Ms ahjumma tolak,...hehe. Biarlah bayar masing2 kan. Air Ms ahjumma bayarkan, Ms ahjussi bukan ingat pun,....hehehe

Pastue, Mr ahjumma bawa kami masuk kedai Mark & Spencer beli cookies. Ms ahjumma tak percaya ada jual cookies dalam tue, ye la,...tue kan kedai baju (dari luar je tengok, tak pernah masuk pun,...hehehe). Lepas beli cookies, kami makan sama2 dekat tasik. Mr ahjussi jadi dahaga la pulak lepas makan cookies, so pergilah Mr ahjussi beli air epal (kotak beasr) dalam Cold Storage (Mr ahjussi call tanya nak minum air apa, Ms ahjumma cakap epal so dapat la air nya,...heee). Tapi b4 tue, Ms ahjumma mintak nak minum coffee, mana tak nya kami duduk sebelah Starbuck, dah la Ms ahjumma memamg coffee lover ^_^, tapi Mr ahjussi pujuk kata dia akan beli esok, maka Ms ahjumma setuju ^_^. Berakhirlah first meeting kami dalam jam 10 malam jugak la. Oh, b4 tue,...Ms ahjumma dapat presento daripada Mr ahjussi ^_^

Itulah antara perkara yang jadi di awal pekenalan kami, dan first date la kan,...heee. Sama dan biasa2 je macam kebanyakan orang tapi itu memori Ms ahjumma yang bermakna ^_^

Oh, tadi masa lunch, Ms ahjumma terdengar lagu "Drive By" masa drive. Mr ahjussi kata, lagu tue untuk Ms ahjumma,...heee.

Lirik Drive By – Train

On the other side of a street I knew
Stood a girl that looked like you
I guess thats deja vu
But I thought this can’t be true
Cause you moved to west L.A or New York or Santa Fe
Or where or ever to get away from me

Oh but that one night
Was more than just right
I didn’t leave you cause I was all through
Oh I was overwhelmed and frankly scared as hell
Because I really fell for you

Oh I swear to you
I’ll be there for you
This is not a drive by
Just a shy guy looking for a two ply
Hefty bag to hold my love
When you move me everything is groovy
They don’t like it sue me
Mmm the way you do me
Oh I swear to you
I’ll be there for you
This is not a drive by

On the upside of a downward spiral
My love for you went viral
And I loved you every mile you drove away
But now here you are again
So let’s skip the “how you been”
And get down to the “more than friends” at last

Oh but that one night
Is still the highlight
I didn’t need you until I came to
and I was overwhelmed and frankly scared as hell
Because I really fell for you

Oh I swear to you
I’ll be there for you
This is not a drive by
Just a shy guy looking for a two ply
Hefty bag to hold my love
When you move me everything is groovy
They don’t like it sue me
Mmm the way you do me
Oh I swear to you
I’ll be there for you
This is not a drive by

Please believe that when I leave
There’s nothing up my sleeve but love for you
And a little time to get my head together too

On the other side of a street I knew
Stood a girl that looked like you
I guess thats deja vu
But I thought this can’t be true

Oh I swear to you
I’ll be there for you
This is not a drive by
Just a shy guy looking for a two ply
Hefty bag to hold my love
When you move me everything is groovy
They don’t like it sue me
Mmm the way you do me
Oh I swear to you
I’ll be there for you
This is not a drive by

Nie la rasanya cookies pertama kami beli

Gambar latest Mr ahjussi - 2/12/2012 (first time reveal Mr ahjussi,...heee)
Doakan kami ye, semoga kekal bahagia sampai akhirnya ^_^

Hingga jumpa lagi, hati-hati memandu bagi yang hendak pulang ke rumah.


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